
Agus Khumaidi, S.ST., M.T.

Image Processing, Automation System, Robotic, Embedded System
NIP. 199308172020121004
NIDN. 0017089303

Ryan Yudha Adhitya, S.ST., M.T.

Artificial Intelligence, Soft Computing, Programmable Logic Controller
NIP. 199106162019031016
NIDN. 0016069101

Noorman Rinanto, S.T., M.T., Ph.D.

Artificial Intelligence, Image Processing, Machine Learning, Automation and Robotic
NIP. 197610142012121002
NIDN. 0014107607

Dr. Mat Syai'in, S.T., M.T., Ph. D.

Artificial Intelligence, Power System, Power Flow, Microgrid, Smart Meter
NIP. 197711142008121002
NIDN. 0014117707

Ir. Joko Endrasmono, M.T.

Engineering Physics, Modelling, System Dynamics, Automation System, Smart Control System
NIP. 196409091992011001
NIDN. 0009096402

Edy Setiawan, S.T., M.T.

System Optimization, Control System, Artificial Intelligence
NIP. 197905112005011003
NIDN. 0011057901

Afif Zuhri Arfianto, S.T., M.T.

Internet of Things, Telecommunication Network, Information System
NIP. 198712032015041004
NIDN. 0003128701

Didik Sukoco, ST., MT.

Mikrokontroller, Mobile Computing, Elektronika
NIP. 196902051995121001
NIDN. 0005026909

Isa Rachman, ST., MT.

Sensor, Actuator, Control System, Instrumentation
NIP. 198008162008121001
NIDN. 0016088003

Lilik Subiyanto, S.T, M.T.

Elektronika dan Mikrokontroler
NIP. 196901301997021001
NIDN. 0030016903

Ii' Munadhif, S.ST., M.T.

Control System, Fuzzy Inference System, System Modelling
NIP. 199107102018031001
NIDN. 0010079102

Muhammad Khoirul Hasin, S.Kom, M.Kom

Sistem Informasi, Informatika
NIP. 198812252015041003
NIDN. 0025128802

Dr. Eng, Mohammad Abu Jami'in, S.T., M.T.

Artificial Intelligent, Control System
NIP. 197505302001121004
NIDN. 0030057503

Aulia Rahma Annisa, S.ST., M.T.

Control System, Artificial Intelligence, System Modelling
NIP. 199106032024062000
NIDN. 0303069102

Riko Satrya Fajar Jaelani Putra, S.T., M.T.

Power System Engineering, Power Quality, Protection System, Transient Stability
NIP. 199805272024061000

Mustika Kurnia Mayangsari, S.Kom., M.Tr.Kom.

Software Engineering, Software Quality, Data Mining, Natural Language Processing
NIP. 199605032024062001